Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Winners Announced

KauaiBackstory is pleased to invite you to an evening of recognition and readings by the winners of the 2012 Creative Competition.

The top three winners, in no particular order, for the 2012 Creative Competition, with a theme of “Fairy Tales, Fables & Myth” are:

Brian Doyle
Margaret Guiler
Dawn Fraser Kawahara

First, second and third place will be announced at a special reception on Monday, November 19, 2012, at Small Town Coffee, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Due to the length of submissions, only the three winners will be invited to read at this reception, although we would like to recognize the following runners-up for their entries, which will also be published on KauaiBackstory.com.

Steve Backinoff
Ronald Horoshko
J. Arthur Rath III
Rocky Riedel
Julie Wu

There was no award given for the visual category.

Publication of the contest winners and runners up will begin posting on www.kauaibackstory.com the day after the public reading.

We’d like to extend a big mahalo to Darien Gee, our guest judge this year, the Garden Island Arts Council for sponsoring the prize money, and Small Town Coffee for being our gracious host.

Kauaibackstory.com is a venue for rigorous writing with a view about Kauai. We delight in words and images that shift thinking and open minds. Much like a blog, kauaibackstory.com encourages interactive dialogue with the hopes that the time-honored tradition of kama'ilio, talk story, will build community and understanding.

1 comment:

Bali Resorts said...

Nice article,good content and a great blog.